Tuesday 24 March 2020

Land border crossing Poipet Cambodia

I always chose to fly from Chennai to Thailand as its less expensive compared to flying from Bangalore due to difference in airport taxes. I was waiting in the Bangalore International Airport for my flight to depart to Chennai, where I was supposed to board my flight to Bangkok (DMK Airport). The adventure trip I was about to experience for the next 2 weeks kept me excited all along in the airport. The domestic travel least bothered me, time at the airports passed away very quickly.

Image result for hualamphong station

I arrived at Don Muang Airport Bangkok at 3:30 AM. Finishing the immigration formalities, I took an exit which led me towards DMK Railway Station where I was supposed to board a local train which would take me to the Hualamphong Railway Station (Bangkok Central Railway Station). After waiting for around 30 mins, the train finally arrived at 4:20 AM. I earlier made several attempts to ensure that I boarded the right train but I failed as there was no one to answer me since it was early hours. Few people never knew what I was asking as they dint speak English. I looked at a girl who was sitting in one of those platform benches, she pointed me to a train that was arriving at the platform and asked to board it. I guess she understood my question without even asking. After a travel of 40 minutes, I got down at Hualamphong Railway Station. I rushed towards the ticket counter to book my tickets to Aranyaprathet which was the nearest station to cross into Cambodia. The train was scheduled to depart at 5:55 AM.

I sipped a cup of tea along with few donuts on the streets outside the railway station which were cheaper when compared to the stalls inside. I grabbed a bottle of mineral water in 7/11 before I boarded my train which was 30 mins off the schedule.

Image result for thailand trains
The train was third class non-AC, but very clean and tidy. It was a comfortable ride for a backpacker like me, however, it never offered any restrooms. I could see a few young backpackers from England, Philippines and a few locals in the coach. We got introduced to each other as time passed by. Traveling in local transport is the best way to understand the local culture/people and meet fellow backpackers from different countries.

It was already 12:30 PM. I was supposed to reach Aranyaprathet at 11:55 AM as per the schedule. 

Image result for aranyaprathet tuk tuk
There was a delay for one or the other reason but nothing bothered me as I was enjoying the beautiful view of the countryside. The paddy fields looked fresh and green since it was the end of the rainy season. I finally reached my destination at 12:45 PM.

I heard people approaching me to hire their tuk-tuk’s to the border(Poipet) while deboarding the train. One tuk-tuk guy followed me asking for his services till I reached the exit. I finally decided to speak to him and negotiate.

Image result for aranyaprathet tuk tuk

Me: How much?
Tuk-Tuk Driver: 100 Bahts
Me: No way, I pay 60 Bahts
Tuk-Tuk Driver: 80 Bahts

Finally, he agreed to a ride for 70 Bahts which was a very good deal.

Poipet (Thailand) is the nearest place where you can cross the border into Cambodia, it is 6 KM away from the Aranyaprathet Railway Station, so overall its 15 mins journey in a tuk-tuk to the border.

Sir here is your immigration, where you get a visa to Cambodia said the tuk-tuk driver. I told, you must be kidding, this is not the place where I get my visa, take me to the border. I have done enough study back home on the scams happening at this border, so I was very well aware of it. It was not tough to escape from these scams, finally, he dropped me at the exact border point after pit stopping at many places and forcing me to get my visa done. The thumb rule to avoid border scams is always to be smart enough to at least see a picture of the border on the internet (I did the same so was confident on the actual border). Do not give any money to anyone, there are several people on the border who will approach you for filling documents, money exchange, etc. Just walk away from everyone and cross into Cambodia Visa Office and do everything yourself. There is no need for anyone to assist you, doing everything by yourself will save you money, time and stress.

It was hot even though the winter was coming and I was sweating with that heavy backpack on me. I was surviving on a donut and coffee since morning. I looked to grab some food near the border, but an unlucky vegetarian could grab only apples 😀.

After a few documentations, my passport was stamped by Thailand immigration which assured my exit. Taking a few more steps I entered the Cambodian checkpoint. Although the charges were $20 for the visa, they charged me 100 Bahts extra. I took no time in raising the question, the official answered rudely, pay 100 Bhat or no Visa. Even official people scammed you here, "Welcome to Cambodia!". I was never in a mood to fight with those officials and gave extra 100 Bhats, my passport was stamped in 20 mins, and I arrived at the departure gate. I could see a long queue, it took me almost an hour to get out through the gate.

High temperature, less food and long queue made the journey more tiring. Finally, I was waiting for a free shuttle which transfers you to the main bus station (2 KM away from the border point). I was asked to wait till all the seats were occupied by passengers. I saw the same girl again who helped me in boarding the right train from DMK Airport to Hualamphong Railway Station.

Me: Hey, how are you
She: I am good and you?
Me: Do you remember me? I was the same fellow who was struggling to find the right train in the morning from DMK airport to railway station?
She: Yes I do.
Me: You are from Thailand?
She: No China.
Me: Oh, there you go, I guessed you’re the local girl.
She: Haha, you know I got scammed for 1000 Bhats, the tuk-tuk fellow took me to the wrong place for getting my visa done, and it was fake Cheater! she was screaming in anger.
Me: Yeah I know, I have read about it a lot, it happens, don’t worry, forget it as you can't do much about it now.

I further offered her to join me till seam reap, so that she will be safe, she agreed. Time clicked 3:00 PM as we reached the bus station, we had 3 options to choose from:

1)  Regular Bus for $9 per person, time duration: 3 hours

2) Mini Bus for $10 per person, time duration: 2 ½ hours.
3) Taxi for $12 per person, time duration: 2 hours (provided if we are a group of 4)

    Smarter choice was to take a min bus, which was leaving in no time.

Image result for thailand mini bus
     We started to talk again, got to know each other more during the travel, her name was Chan. The interesting thing was that she mentioned 3 Bollywood movies names which were her favorite ''Taare Zameen Par", "3 Idiots", and "Slum Dog Millionaire''. I realized the fact that Bollywood movies are pretty popular in China. Our back seat was occupied by a Canadian couple, who were also fun to talk. I explained my 2-week plan to Chan and she requested to join me for a cycle ride to witness sunrise at Angkor wat the next day. I was happy to find a company and we kept talking the entire journey. 

Our driver was driving at a comfortable speed, the roads were not bad. The only problem was the driver never understood English, I gave up at the 4th attempt inquiring about the location of my hostel in Siem Reap. We finally reached Siem Reap at 6:00 PM.

After reaching, the tuk-tuk fellows again started to negotiate with me. I had to let Chan go as she was staying in a far of place than mine. So, we had to split 😞 but, I was happy that I finally made it to Siem Reap from Bangkok without getting scammed and this happened only because I followed all the Instructions by fellow travelers on the Internet. Feels great to have done this kind of complicated land crossing despite several warnings from several people in an unknown country who speak only Khmer.

My experience for 2 days in Siem Reap to be continued.......

Please feel free to write to me for any queries, I would be very happy to help.

See you soon (chuob anak chab nih- in Khmer)

Your's Truly
Shravan Kumar E P