Thursday 12 March 2015

Audacious Bungeeeeeeeee Jumpppppp...............................

Ohoooooo 60Mts Bungeeeeeeee…………………..

I reached Pattaya Bungee Jumping  by  5:40PM, and met a guy named Mark(owner) who was basically from UK and got settled in phathaya from past 3 years and running this show, very friendly and professional guy.

I want a jump with cd and t-shirt Mark?, which was priced 2200 Bhats in their Website, I never cared to reserve via online as I guessed it would be pretty empty, mark stipulated that the offer is only limited to the web bookings, and if I want the same thing to book on the counter it would charge me 2500 Bhats, I expressed my disappointment, and after convincing a bit he agreed to offer me same package, but I had to again go through web booking procedure,  I was happy anyways,  after completing few paper works, I looked at the jumping height, it was 60 mts, very scary, I was bit nervous to be frank, but gained my confidence thinking that I came all the way to Pattaya for this, I was asked to remove my t shirt so that I will feel more comfortable while jump, ropes were fastened on my legs, I could see a small water pool below me, it gives a feel that your safe even  the ropes shred, but literally its not the case,   I was taken in a crane to reach that height, as higher I was moving, my heart beat was increasing drastically, I was getting agitated, when we reached top, my instructor told just part your hands and jump as if your flying, I went to the edge of the Crane dragging both my foot as my legs were fastened to take off on my first jump, looking down I could see the water pool almost invisible, and my instructor started counting, 1, 2 & 3, I dint even care for anything and jumped at the count of 3, woooooooooohhhhooooooooooooo.................................
my heart almost stopped while I was declining thinking that what if the rope rips apart ? I was pulled up by the rope when I reached to a distance of 10 mts above the ground, I tell you no better feeling than this, I was feeling great and out of this world, great satisfaction, felt as if I fought with life and survived, a sense of satisfaction, the rope kept pulling me , I was swinging round and round around the water pit, and suddenly I was swirling in small circles with high speed,  all I could do is scream in joy, the swing speed was very high, finally I was held by one of the guy near the water pit and I was pulled down, I was being unfastened, I was smiling and feeling proud of attempting such an adventure, Mark asked me about my experience I just said it was my lives best moment, we chatted for a while, and then I started asking him  about the nightlife in phathaya, he guided me the places to visit, and since I was here only for that night, he asked me to hop around WALKING STREET area, and on further probing him about the best places which I shouldn’t miss, he advised me a few joints and added that Indians are not received well at some places,  after I probed him more for the want of reason, I was looking for this answer even in Shock 39 Bangkok where I could see the pub occupied by only Indian males, I felt that we Indians were biased due to something, Mark was frank enough to tell me the reason which I cannot disclose in this blog being an Indian, but it was surely not something to feel proud off, I would even like to add a thing here, We(Indians) who-so-ever travel to other countries, please do not forget that we are carrying the entire nation name with us, people will remember only that you're an Indian and nothing else and entire country image will be defined by the way you behave, your acts in other countries will effect image of entire country, so keep in mind that we are carrying the GREAT NAME INDIA with us when we travel to other countries, due to few people awful act, entire India gets affected, and people from India who travels with a good purpose will also be treated bad because of you such perverts, common please save our image, we are rich in culture, manners, and specially we worship & respect women,  showcase this rather than proving that we are perverts, please it’s a humble request to every Indian who is reading this blog and who travel to other countries, PLEASE SAVE IMAGE OF OUR COUNTRY.

After some more conversation with a cup of coffee, I decided to part from mark.

I must admit, Mark was one of those helping hands, he even succored to guide me properly to my find my hostel which was on Jomtein beach Road.

I was on my way to find my hostel which was 3 KM’s away from bungee center, my hostel named Jomtein beach Hostel was located on Jomtein Beach, I hired a bike ride again, and after bit , I finally located my hostel by around 7:00PM, I was Greeted by the receptionist , after finishing the formalities,  he took me to show my dorm, which was very big and clean, and there were only 4 beds in such a spacious room unlike Bangkok hostels which were bit dirty and offered least space to move around but you really cant expect anything for such cheap price, I dumped my backpack and put personal stuffs in locker, took bath after a tiring day, was feeling fresh, I chose to rest my body till 8:00 PM.

To be continued………………….

Backpacker Shravan

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